When two foreign citizens decide to get married in Italy,they are supposed to contact the City Hall to book the day of their choice and find out what documents they need to produce for the marriage to be valid.
The translator is not only in charge of making sworn translations of the documents, but can also make contact directly with the City Hall official on behalf of the bride and groom. In this way, language will no longer be an obstacle and the bride and groom can enjoy the preparations for the celebration and not worry about the legal side. In fact, the translator will take care of everything: booking the wedding date, making an appointment to sign all the documents, assisting the bride and groom in finding all the necessary documents, preparing the translations, and anything else that may be required.
Feel free to ask for information at the email address or by calling the mobile contact at the top and bottom of the website. The request for information and a preliminary consultation regarding the procedure to be followed are services that the translator offers free of charge.