Speaking a language or two is not enough to make you a legal translator. You need experience in the field and to be familiar with the procedures. Also, the majority of official documents are packed with technical terms and non-ordinary meanings that require the reader, and thus the translator, to fully understand the content before translating it. That is why you may want to be sure that your translator has proper experience in the field.

As a Chamber of Commerce Certified Translator, I give translate for my clients different types of document, such as those used in legal proceedings (i.e., judicial documents), or those used outside the court (i.e., extrajudicial documents), as well as other official documents that nothing has to do with lawsuits (e.g., translation of Financial Statements, Certificate of Birth, Certificate of Marriage, etc.).

Some of the documents I am often asked to translate as a legal translator include:

  • Property deeds and contracts translation
  • Regulatory documents such as power of attorney translation
  • Official transcripts translation, educational certificates translation
  • Judgments
  • Medical reports translation
  • Call for bids – call for tenders – invitation to tender (ITT) documents (corporate bylaws – social statutes, balance sheets translation, financial statements, Ordinary Certificate of Incorporation …)
  • Court case documents translation

Legal translation includes the translation of:

  • Criminal Record - Police Record translation; Driving License translation
  • Certificates: Birth/death Certificate translation; Marriage/divorce certificates translation: No Impediment to
  • Marriage / Certificate of No Impediment (CNI), Marriage Certificate
  • Education certificates: Academic / University Degree, Exam Certificates, Transcripts, CVs
  • Documents supporting an Adoption

Legal translation and Legal Interpreting

This is the kind of interpreting and translation service you need if you are involved in some law-related matter. For instance, if you need to buy a house in Italy or enter into another type of contract, or if you need to sign a PoA (Power of Attorney), you need to be assisted by a certified interpreter and court certified translator that will translate (in writing) all the documents you need to see or sign, and will translate (verbally) what is being said or what you need to say to the professional you're seeing, being them lawyers, judges, or Notaries Public. If required so, a legal translator may also certify their translation, to make sure that the translated text has the same legal value as the primary document.