Translation of tax return

As indicated in the Self Assesment tax returns page of the UK Government webpage, Self Assessment is a system HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) uses to collect Income Tax (see here, accessed April 28, 2020). 

Sometimes people and businesses must report their tax in a tax return. In our increasingly inter-connected world, legally valid official translation of a tax return may be needed. This type of translation makes your translated tax return having the same legal validity it has in the original languages it has been written.


If you need a translation of your Self Assesment tax return, whichever the kind, you can get in touch with Mrs Giulia Ghizzoni of Studio Mannoni. Giulia is a certified translator who can provide the sworn certified translation of your tax return for English, Italian (dichiarazione dei redditi or Certificazione Unica CU), Portuguese (imposto de renda), Spanish (declaración de Renta), French (déclaration des revenus ou de impôts), German (Einkommensteuererklärung), Chinese (税收完税证明).